One of the most effective types of advertising campaigns is remarketing campaigns that target users that have already interacted with your brand on social media, your website, or other channels. Not all your website visitors are equally valuable. If you want to get the most out of your Facebook advertising, you’ll need to know how to target users who are most likely to take action on your site. Your website’s most valued visitors are those who return often or spend a long time on the site.

So, the idea is to identify the most engaged visitors while removing accidental clicks, fast abandons, and even those that read a single page and never returned. Let’s review our experts’ suggestions on how you can identify valuable users on Facebook!

1. Facebook high-value visitors: performed standard or custom event

First of all, the most valuable audience you can target on Facebook is the one that performed one or multiple standard events. This could be an add to cart, purchase, form submission, and others. It’s extremely easy. This function is built-in Facebook’s audience manager. You just need to select new audience creation, custom audience, and select a source event. You can create separate audiences for one or all of the available standard events and experiment with them. 

facebook high value visitors standard event

Technically, numerous events might be combined into a single audience. Click “Include More People” when setting the audience and add additional events.

facebook high-value visitros
facebook high-value visitors

You also need to specify audience retention. Audience collected between 10 to 30 days is the most valuable but it could be too small for some websites. In this case, you will need to increase your audience retention window. The longest possible window is 180 days. 

If for some reason you don’t have these standard events on your website or these audiences are too small for advertising there are other ways how you can evaluate valuable users.

In addition to these standard events, you can create custom events using Google Tag Manager. While using custom events, the sky is the limit. You can create audiences of people who have watched a video on your landing page, downloaded a file, or clicked a certain button.

2. Facebook high-value visitors: time spent on site

You can segment users by their time spent on your site and use these audiences for ad targeting. Again, create a new custom audience, and instead of ‘All users’ select ‘Visitors by time spent in the drop-down menu.

You will be able to segment your visitors by top 25%, 10%, or 5% by time spent on your site. There is also a customer retention setting, as with standard events we recommend choosing up to 10 days.

facebook high-value visitors time spent on site

3. Facebook high-value visitors: frequency of page views

Other audiences that might be valuable are people that visit more than one of your pages. This indicates that they are interested in your service or product.

To indicate these users to Facebook, create a custom audience in Facebook’s audience manager, select a page view event as an audience source. Once you’ve chosen PageView, Click “Refine by” and then “Aggregated Value”. Facebook will use a frequency that is more than or equal to “2” as the default value. This is a great frequency suggestion, you can also check your average number of pages per session in Google Analytics and choose this number or one page bigger.

facebook high-quality visitors

4. Facebook high-value visitors: page scroll depth

Page scroll depth is another great indication for user engagement. Most of the users only scroll about 20% down the landing page. If they scroll lower it’s a great indicator that your information is interesting and valuable to them. Using Google Tag Manager you can create a custom event such as scroll depth. It is quite easy since GTM has premade trigger for this purpose.

facebook high-quality visitors scroll depth

I also have to stress that these tactics may not work for everybody. If your site is still getting only hundreds or thousands of users you may not be able to segment your audiences in the suggested ways because these audiences will be too small for advertising. 

While selecting your targeting you can choose one or all of these audiences. Although if you put them all in one ad set you won’t know which of them is most engaged and generates more conversions. To do so, you need to separate all of these audiences into separate ad sets.

In addition to all these value customer audiences, you can tell Facebook to optimize your campaigns for that type of event that indicates a valuable user. To do that, choose optimization for conversions while creating a new campaign. On the ad set level choose a specific standard or custom conversion. Facebook will try to find users that are most likely to reach your set goal. 

If you want to know which ad formats are the most suitable to reach high-value visitors on Facebook read our article about ad formats recommended for driving action.